SEO Image Alt Tag Optimizer

SEO Image Alt Tag Optimizer - shopify app


Generate SEO alt-tags for your images automatically
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Improve organic rankings

Optimize your SEO rankings by adding contextual alt-tags to your images, following Google best practices.


Rank on Google image searches

Images alt tags allow your product images to rank on Google image searches, creating a new potential sales channel.


Save hours with 1-click setu

Setting up alt tags generation for all your current and future images is done in a matter of seconds. Set it and forget it.


What are seo alt tags for images

Alt tags are 125-character long text snippets that that are attached to each image on a website.

Alt tags are meant to provide users and search engines to relate an image with the theme context of a page it is put on. In that sense, they are descriptive by nature and focus on the image and how it relates to the page.

In the context of SEO, alt tags have 2 powerful values: – They help your page rank better on Google search – They help your images rank better on Google image searches

How does the app work for SEO

Jumbo Alt-Tag Generator has 2 main features:

Generate alt tags for all your existing product images

Going back and adding alt tags to all the images on your store is a must do but unfortunately very time consuming task.

Fortunately, Jumbo can do that for you in just one click. If you start auto-generation for all your existing images, Jumbo will automatically add alt-tags to all your product images with:

"product name – store name"

Auto-generate alt tags for new images and reduce ranking time

Adding alt tags manually to every image you add on your store can be very time consuming.

To save you from that hurdle, Jumbo allows you to turn on auto-generation. Every time you add a new product image, Jumbo will automatically add an alt-tag in the form of:

"product name – store name"

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.


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