SPO (SEO Product Optimizer)

SPO (SEO Product Optimizer) - shopify app

SillyCube Technology Ltd.

Better Social Sharing. Keyword Research. Drive Organic Traffic
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Attractive Social Link Preview

Change your link previews without coding required. We’ll handle the dirty social meta tags for you.


Save Precious Time

Our bulk edit feature will help you to automate link preview editing. Never tweak your theme liquid again.


Find Keywords with Traffics

Research niche keywords with traffics. Help your niche products easily found on search engines. Our SEO advice will assist you.


Boost Online Exposures on Search Engines, Mobile & Social Media

Our app can help you to generate more traffics from SEO & social media. More than 1,000 stores have already installed SPO.

Try SPO now!

(Change of Liquid Code is required)

Niche Marketing for Products

SPO helps to drive traffics from search engines and social media. Key features include:

1. Custom Link Previews on Facebook & Twitter

Fix the missing social sharing support of your theme. By rewriting Facebook Open Graph and Twitter Card tags, you can set a custom title, description, and sharing image for any product, collection, page & blog articles, or default social presence for your store.

With our built-in previewer, we remove wild guess for how it looks on Facebook or Twitter. (SMS, Whatsapp supported under Facebook). Like what you can do with Yoast/RankMath

Share with No Hassle!

Facebook will automatically crop your product image if it exceeds 1.9:1 width-to-height ratio. Our app will help you to fix this marketing issue.

2. Stand out with Niche Keywords Suggestion

Drive traffic from niche keywords. One of the important parts of SEO is picking a suitable keyword with good search volume & Cost-per-click (CPC) but not competitive. So your web page can stand out on search engines for this lucrative keyword.

Keyword search volume, competitiveness among advertisers, and CPC from Google will be shown to you. You will know which keywords get you more free traffic.

3. JSON LD (Paid Feature)

JSON LD helps to generate rich previews on Google Search Result. With a rich preview + social profiles, the click-through rate (CTR) will be greatly boosted, driving more organic traffic.

SPO carefully studies the 50-page documentation to handcraft the code snippet in your Shopify theme liquid file, which can help Google to generate a better rich result.

4. Bulk Edit Product Link Previews (Paid Feature)

Save your time for other meaningful tasks. Our robot will help you to automate edits so you can focus on other works.

5. Effective SEO Advice

Useful SEO advice is included to improve page content. For the last 10 years, we carefully study the SEO guideline from Google to include the on-page optimization tips for e-commerce websites. So you don't have to.

6. Focus Keyword Insertion

Target low competition keywords with high conversions. Put in suitable keywords into your website content using our keyword suggestions above. Product title, description, URL handle, meta description are supported to insert your focus keyword.

7. Others

From time to time, we keep adding new features like 1-click sitemap update, Google PageSpeed checking, Pingdom SpeedTest, Alexa Rank, etc.

You focus on your business, we handle the dirty parts of SEO. Simple and Easy!

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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