Store Mangment By Vertibrix

Store Mangment By Vertibrix - shopify app

Manage products inventory, price, desc and others. Brandify!!!
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Integrate major channels

Some of supported channels: Email, Download link, Google spreadsheet, one drive, google drive, drop box


Automated store sync

Set interval (as minimum as 1 hour) to refresh inventory and everything will be taken care.


Brand page of your store

Automated brand page for all brands on your store. Zero configuration required


Enhance your store SEO and seamlessly update products from multiple feeds

Why it is a MUST HAVE app for your store

  1. SEO optimization using product attributes
  2. Integrate your ERP systems directly with Shopify store via multiple channels
  3. Integrate your drop shipper
  4. Automated process saves time and removes human errors
  5. Sync store across multiple feeds
  6. Supports csv, XLSX and XLS format

Supported feed channels:

  1. Direct file upload
  2. Files sent over email
  3. Files located at downloadable link
  4. Files located at FTP/ SFTP server
  5. Dropbox
  6. Google spreadsheet
  7. Google drive
  8. One Drive

Scheduling methods:

  1. Manual trigger: Feed is processed when you manually trigger it
  2. Hourly trigger: Feed is processed every x hours set by you
  3. Trigger based on day time: Feed is processed at exact time on days set by you

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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Theme Save ‑ Backup your theme

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

