NEW – You can now choose to show the checkbox only for specific products!
NEW – Rich Text Editor! Design the checkbox text however you like & include images and trust badges!
NEW – Add multiple links and policies to the text!
NEW – View the date and time of when your customer agrees / accepts to your terms and conditions in the order details!
NEW – Full support of all additional checkout buttons (like PayPal, Google Pay, Amazon Pay, Apple Pay and Shopify Payments) – the checkbox must be ticked before using any of them to checkout!
NEW – Full support of Buy It Now buttons! A modal with the checkbox in it will pop up when the buy it now button will be clicked!
Easy To Use
Easily add a customizable 'I agree to the terms and conditions' checkbox to your cart page/drawer so that customers will be required to tick it before proceeding to checkout. If a customer doesn't tick the checkbox before clicking the checkout button, an alert with your own customized text will pop up and prevent them from continuing the checkout.
Adds The Consent Date To The Order Details & Email Confirmation
The app will add the date and time of when the customer has ticked the checkbox and agreed to your terms and conditions to the order details under the 'Additional Details' section of the order. You can also add it to your packing slips, invoices and order confirmation email templates.
One Click Installation and Universal Support
No code is required to show the checkbox in the cart. The app supports all kinds of carts pages, and all Shopify themes.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
On May 25th, 2019 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect. The GDPR is the European Union’s new data privacy law which impacts how all companies (big and small) collect and handle personal data about their European customers. By using the app you'll be able to require your customers to agree to your privacy policy.
Main Features
- Adds a customized checkbox to your cart page/drawer or popup in one click.
- Saves the date and time of when the customer has agreed to your terms and conditions and displays it in the order details.
- Can be displayed only for specific products
- Customize the checkbox text, terms and conditions link and warning message in any language.
- Supports multiple links and policies
- Supports all additional checkout buttons like PayPal, Shopify Payments, Google Pay, Apple Pay and Amazon Pay!
- Supports Buy It Now buttons – a pop up modal will pop with the checkbox in it
- Super easy to use and to modify.
Need Help? Want To Request A Feature?
Click the 'Get Support' button at the top of this listing to send us an email. Our average response time is just a few hours! 🙂