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Browse abandonment email converts window shoppers into buyers
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Convert window shoppers

Browse abandonment emails help to re-engage with a large pool of window shoppers and recapture lost conversions


Incentivize to purchase

Window shoppers are showing an interest, and they may just need a nudge to persuade them to buy


Generate uplift in sales

Browse abandonment emails have been shown to convert more than any other marketing channel


Do you know that only a small percentage of your traffic actually makes it to the cart page? What about the shoppers who are browsing your site yet never click “add to cart”? Each window shopper that doesn't complete a purchase is a lost opportunity, and the majority of that wasted traffic exists long before the shopping cart page.

With every visit, view, click, and search, your shoppers are expressing various levels of purchase intent even before adding an item to the cart.

eCommerce managers are so focused on driving traffic to their online stores yet they consistently forget to leverage that traffic and convert more window shoppers into buyers. What's worse is that most of the shoppers already on your site will never add anything to their carts! This is where browse abandonment emails come in.

Similar to cart abandonment, the idea is to send relevant messaging to the customers to remind them of the product they were looking at and incentivize them to return to purchase.

While browse abandonment campaigns may have a lower conversion rate than cart abandonment campaigns, they do have a much larger pool of people that you’re able to target and send these types of emails.

There is a world of revenue that begins way before your eCommerce shopping cart – a whole world of window shoppers that you should and can be converting into customers.

Browse abandonment emails transform your business and generate a significant uplift in sales!

This app will send browse abandonment emails to your customers in a targeted way, embedding a link to the last product they viewed and a dedicated discount code.


  • Trigger the reminder for any product or just for products belonging to a collection
  • Delay from customer leaving before to send the email
  • Delay from last email to the same customer
  • Coupon code format
  • Coupon value (percent off)
  • Coupon expiry days
  • Email template

Permissions required and how we use them

  • Modify script tags in your store's theme template: to track shoppers browsing
  • Read products: to retrieve product information such as title and image
  • Modify price rules: to create the discount code
  • Read customer details: to retrieve customer name and email address

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

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