TikTok Shoppable Feed by Vop

TikTok Shoppable Feed by Vop - shopify app


Increase customer engagement with a shoppable TikTok feed
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Curate your feed

Select accounts and hashtags that you want to follow. Moderate only the content you want to display on your site.


Tag your products

Tag products in TikTok videos and make them shoppable on your product pages or your own TikTok feed page.


Dedicated TikTok Feed Page

Create a shoppable video page on your Shopify store for increased engagement and social proof.


What is a Shoppable TikTok Feed?

TikTok is growing at an incredible rate around the world and we are the #1 Shopify App to help you take advantage of this growth.

Your customers want to be able to shop the videos and content they see. So, we created this app to enable you to create a shoppable TikTok feed on your Shopify store.

The app allows you to put your TikTok videos directly onto your Shopify store on the home page as well as a complete video shopping page.

You can also pull videos from any hashtags and other influencers are using/wearing your product.

Try it out today for free.

How does this app work?

  1. Install the Shopify app
  2. Connect your TikTok account
  3. Add any hashtags you would like to follow
  4. All the videos will be pulled into an approvable feed which allows you to tag products, and approve/reject any videos you would like to appear on your store.


  • No limit to how many videos you import
  • The videos will automatically appear on your product page when tagged.
  • The app automatically creates a dedicated page that you can then choose if you would like it to appear in your navigation or not.
  • Embed your videos directly on your home page
  • Videos are shoppable when you add products

Create a shoppable TikTok feed directly on your Shopify store to increase engagement and social proof.

Have any questions, suggestions, or feature requests? Feel free to email us hello@getvop.com

pssst…. we do not tag products inside the TikTok app itself. TikTok doesn't allow anyone to do this. We highly encourage you to create a shoppable page and direct traffic directly to this page to engage your community on your Shopify store.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.


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