Trigger based upsell app which allows you to capture various customer actions and target them with right offers to increase sales and eventually average order value.
Available triggers
- Show offer when customer adds specific product to cart
- Show offer when customer spend specific amount of time on page
- Show offer when customer visit specified number of pages
- Show offer when customer tries to leave your store
- Show offer when customer scrolls certain % of your page
- Unlimited monthly visitors
- Unlimited design options to match with your stores brand
- Configurable cookie duration per campaign
- Ability to hide offers from certain pages
- Rich & fully customizable editor
- Live designer
- Responsive and modern UI
- Custom CSS & HTML
- Nightly backups
- No copyright text
Additional use cases
- Free gift with a purchase of particular product.
If demo store asks you for storefront password. Please enter "shopify".
If your theme has specific styling requirements, feel free to reach out via support email and we will surely find a common ground to make it look great.